Eco News… Bring and Buy Sale… WWF Earth Hour

Globe Goes Green Icon Final

The Eco Committee need one or two parent members to join as they strive to achieve the Silver Eco award. It would involve bringing your ideas and help to our meetings which take place once or twice a term on a Tuesday morning.

Please get in touch if you can support us?


PASS IT ON WEEK 5th – 13th March

This is Scotland’s annual week for helping the planet by keeping items in use as long as possible by passing it on to someone else. To support this, the Eco Team are holding a “Bring and Buy Sale” on Wednesday the 23rd of March. The sale will take place during lunchtime, in the school gym hall and items will cost no more than £2.00

Can you help by donating children’s books, DVDs or toys, that are in good condition, but no longer needed or wanted??

The money raised will go to the Lenten appeal for SCIAF. A good chance to get the spring cleaning started!


WWF Earth Hour – 19th March

On the 19th of March at 8:30pm earth hour starts. During this hour, the Eco Team would much appreciate, if you could turn off any electricity for one hour. You could light some candles and play a game in the dark or go outside and take a walk.

Please email the school any photographs, we would love to see your efforts to save our planet!

For more information, please visit: