Spanish Day

The day immersed the children in cultural activities and provided opportunities for them to develop and practise their Spanish language skills across the curriculum.

Two of the teaching staff completed a week long immersion course in Malaga, Spain, during the summer holidays, four other members of staff successfully completed the Primary Language Learning Training run by South Lanarkshire Council in January 2015 and a further member will complete the same course in June 2015.

Teaching Staff receive their certificates.

Teaching Staff receive their certificates

The children in St Mark’s learn Spanish from Primary 1 to Primary 7.

In their literacy they used the C-touch boards to watch and listen as a famous children’s book was read in Spanish.

They asked and answered questions in Spanish when Senor Hector Martinez, a visitor from Madrid, visited the school for their special day.


They learned songs, made fans and bookmarks. They studied Spanish festivals such as La Tomatina and researched famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso with each class being given the opportunity to explore their artistic ability by doing their own Picasso drawing.

As part of the health and wellbeing curriculum they learned Flamenco inspired dance taught by choreographer/dance teacher Mr Brian Bonthron.


A café was set up and the children tasted tapas and the catering staff put on a special Spanish menu for the day to allow the children to experience international food.

The children were totally engaged in the activities and excited by the opportunities that the day provided.

Mrs Caroline Campbell, Head Teacher said, “We’ve seen the results today of South Lanarkshire Council’s investment in Modern Languages. All of our pupils had a wonderful experience of language and culture and the whole school is grateful to Mrs Margaret Anne Baillie, our Spanish Co-ordinator.”
